Getting ready for work and get a call from the gf that "Something has happened. I don't know what but you should turn on the TV". I sat shocked and then watch the second plane hit. I was shell-shocked and sickened.

I felt tears coming not just for those that lost their lives but because I knew the changes that would be coming to our country. Unfortunately, the next few weeks only supported my feelings as fear ran rampent and the freedom that America once represented to me was shackled away for "our safety", never to return again. I was disappointed that the unity that many of us felt was turned into war, defense contracts, and plastic made-in-China bumperstickers.

I'd really like to see some of the PP threads from the weeks that followed and also during the build-up to the Iraq War. I've searched for them before but have never been able to find them. Some perspective could be gained by all of us by re-reading our words from that time.

May all the victims and their families find peace.