Originally Posted By: Sky-Guy

Covering more water all day=more fish, in case that's a new concept to some of ya.....


Ever heard the young bull, old bull joke?

Originally Posted By: Sky-Guy
using a baitcatser I can get two drifts through the zone in the time it takes a PInner to cast, drift, retreive, and recast once.

Anyway, let's review:

cast time - very little difference - slight advantage bait caster
drift time - same - no advantage
retrieve - 4.5 CP 1:1 reel take up is 1/2 as fast as a e7 200 series reel. - clear advantage bait caster
But using CP flick (bat) pump retrieve, just as fast or faster than a e7 200 reel. - No advantage
recast - see above


Although I swing both ways myself, it's a whole lot easier to pull off the elitist thing with a Milner and a pin rod than a Revo and a casting rod. Just saying'. wink
Matt. 8:27   The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”