So I've been reading all the preferences on pin setups in this thread, now I'll offer mine...and there aint a rod, reel, float, weight or line/leader combo I haven't experienced firsthand.

Large: 4-3/8" non-ported Raven Matrix, 12'4" 8#-17# Raven (prototype), or 12'6" 8 wt. Forecast or 12' 7#-14# made in China, 30-35 gram DNE float, 5/8 oz.-3/4 oz. inline sinker w/top swivel only, 17# Suffix Seige or 25# Raven main, 12# Izor or UG leader.

Small: 4-3/8" non-ported Raven Matrix, 11'6" 6#-12# Raven (prototype) or 11'6" 7 wt. Forecast or 12' 7#-14# made in China, 25-30 gram DNE float, 1/2 oz.-5/8 oz. inline sinker w/top swivel only, 14# Suffix Seige or 20# Raven main, 10# Izor or UG leader.

Pattern with purpose..."correct in design"...."fish with confidence"...."simply the best"..."git down or lay down"..."a fool and his money are soon partying".

Best of luck with the wheeling.
TEAM Rainbow/Waterfall/Unicorn/Tecate/Zig Zag PRO STAFF