Allright,, I will waste my time with a response to the BBVD, I cant hold back any longer. For those that emailed, I tried to bite my tongue on this one.

I hope that my 9th grade english/grammer will come back and this will read well to you BBVD, (BTW is that what grade you are in?)

The fact that you see to want to publicly humiliate people for standing against you is showing your childish ways of bickering. There is no arguement here.
Well this is a difference of opinion.. Your more than welcome to feel that way if you choose so. I will say it again I am not here to win a GD popularity contest (kinda like they have in 9th. grade) I am here to voice my opinion! You dont like it dont read my GD posts! I give a NON sugar coated reply that has zero PC in it! Thats called BRUTAL HONESTY, BBVD. Some just get their panties all knotted up over it and apparently you are one of them!

Obviously driftboater, once again, you failed to stay focused on the real arguement. My points are:
1) Argue, dont bicker (Its annoying)
2) Use some intelligence in your arguement
3) Use somewhat better grammar
Bickering is your opinion, and if its annoying to you do not read!

I'll try to use some more of my 9th. grade mentality so you will think I am intelligent,, BAWAhahaha,,, NOT!

I have already wasted to much of my time with this reply so I will not do a GD proof read on it making sure I cross all my "I"s and dot all my "T"s Your not worth it to me. Now if I was writting a formal letter to one of my Representatives, yes it would get picked thru very well fro gramatical mistakes but this is a GD message board!

While your points were
1) Innocence of instigation, no matter the word choice.
2) You answer questions well?
3) Give you a break.
Scratching my head on those, just do not know whatcha mean there..

So, you answer questions well, so youre a people person? But you couldn't even take the time to thouroughly attack my post? Give me a break!
Once again scratching my head on this one also. Did you want me to lay into you? If thats the case please state your mind young one, I am not a freaking mind reader!

Ya know BBVD I usta live out der in enimclaws. and i tinks mabe dat i can member hows to stil speeks da local "ebonic" so i mite bees able to helps you to butter inderstand whats i saying.