Please be safe, and smart, about how you deal with this situation. If you go armed, then go fully armed. Please don't play with blanks. You may very well end up in a defensive situation,and that is no time to have a pistol, or shotgun, with blanks as the first few rounds the mag or tube. You are either prepared to take someone's life, or you leave it at home. Black and white. Period.

Trail cams and photos to document activity, call the SO if it is county, it is their job to kick them out.

You've done an excellent job of documenting the small grow op. Whatever you do if you should go back there again, let someone else know exactly where you will be, when to expect you back, and what to do if you do not show up.

Sorry that you have to deal with that crap.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.