Originally Posted By: Tillanook
If high capacity magazines don't make it easier to kill more people than tell me why they were invented in the first place.

They sure as heck can make it easier, but they were invented to reduce the overall load out of the average soldier. Instead of 12 mags for a 240 rd battle load out, they carry 8 (or more). AR's/M16 started being issued to some troops with 20 rd mags. That was soon changed to 30.

Someone with a reasonable amounty of training can do a mag change, or tactical mag change in a matter of 1-2 seconds. Tactical's take longer.

My duty weapon held 11 rounds of .40 S&W. I had 2 additional mags at all times minimum. During training classes I carried as many as 6. I kept right up with the guys shooting G22's and G23's, both in round count, time, and accuracy. Limit me to 1 round mags, and yeah, that would make a difference.

Someone intent on doing harm to others will generally succeed, regardless of the law or limitations on weapon choices.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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