I wonder if WDFW plant numbers are legit? Could they lie?....Yes, to keep us buying in? Who audits the hatcheries? I had a friend thats retired hatchery employee that used to never follow policy or follow guidlines on numbers. Just dump all they raised. Number resrictions did not exist. Needless to say, fishn was fn awesome. I always have to say, if you plant numbers fishn will be good! If you don't, well here we are, and this isn't the only system that is having problems. Been on the mainstem "C" few times already, with limits there and good numbers showing. No "A" runs yet and are decent sized so they are going somewhere down low. Retired Kalama bud has not landed one yet and would have half dozen already. Talk there is whats up? No answers, even from the checkers. Concern is another [Bleeeeep!] season. Something is up and I don't buy survival, habitat and the other BS.
Ken I, did you whitness 60,000 Wynoochee summer steelhead planted in 2012? Or do you base your comments on some print out the Manager submits? I'm just curious if the WDFW posted hatchery plant number system has any validity any more.

Edited by RUNnGUN (06/18/14 12:06 AM)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller.
Don't let the old man in!