Originally Posted By: DrifterWA

Westport salmon, Kings and Coho, seems to be plentiful......so doesn't seems to be a "ocean problem", unless it only affects steelhead. Maybe time to take a look at other factors ????????

So drifter I get that your trying to keep region 6 's ass to the proverbial fire here with the continued posts to negate their idea of ocean conditions being a major contributing factor, I won't pic sides cause I think it's a combo of several sh!tflurries causing this one big sh!tstorm..but your info on salmon vs steelhead life is wrong. ..it's right in the sense that they all go to the ocean and swim around up north but beyond that you are way off..they travels different routes, in different directions, in totally different levels of the water column, and eat a different diet. So the comparison just has no real relevance, it's gonna take actually looking at these fish to give a real idea as to what has happened to the majority of them..i would imagine even a read on a something as simple as a scale sample might give us some good info
Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!