This spring the NMFS and Col. Inter-Tribal Comm. decided to grant the Col. Tribal Indians rights to net & sell Col. mainstem springers for the first time in 23 years, all thru May, because there were so many excess hatchery fish. They did NOT consider giving even a small quota of finclipped hatchery Col. springers to us sportfishers, who paid much more than our share for. The Indian netters took hords of these fish along with killing a few of the Fed. ESA protected native springers! That's 100% of the "harvestable" salmon within the treaty's 50% of "harvestable" salmon & steelhead! And now I have to hear that they are getting a larger percent of tributary fish by special (UNFAIR)fishing area rights too??? Since unethical lamebrains seem to be determining this rediculous situation, do you suppose that the Tribal Commission is trying to start another Indian-Euro War??? I hope not, especially for their sake!! I also hope that some form of sanity returns to salmon allocation soon!!!!! Is anybody else getting more than pissed off? -- Edit Addendum: I won't erase what I said above in a moment of anger. That would be lame to dodge accountablility. But I will emphasize that the above only raised serious questions, and was not a proclamation. - RT

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 05-31-2000).]