CM -

When I have looked at the how successful in river salmon fisheries have been in the Puget Sound region it is shocking how poorly they do. For the various "S" rivers of north Puget sound the recreational fleet consistently have been able to only catch less than 10% of the in-river run. The mark selective Chinook fisheries for the Skagit spring Chinook and Skykomish summers are also often in the 10% range. A couple of the fall Chinook fisheries have better luck with the Samish and Skokomish topping the list with something in the mid 30% range.

If the non-treaty share it to be caught by the recreational fleet the NT share will always be well below the treaty share. Now I have no problem with that but I felt it is important that folks understood the potential cost in total landings for the non-treaty fleet in such a change.

As you know with most issues in the fish management world things are more complicate than they appear on the surface.
