So walleye are typically a slow water (ie. lake) species of fish. I bet if you remove the dams and return the river to natural flows I don't think these fish would do all that great. Just my view.
Also, Walleye are predominantly bottom dwelling fish, salmonid smolts are more surface oriented (upper 10-15 feet in open water), how much do walleyes really impact smolt survival? Anybody know of any studies on this or pulled any smolts out of a dead walleye?
And one more little tidbit. I was watching some fish go thorugh the fish ladder one day and I happened to see a fish pass through the fish viewing area. Yup, it was a walleye. I asked the lady there counting fish and she confirmed that every once in a while one will come through. You know which dam I was at?.......Lower Granite! Kinda makes you think don't it.
