Duke, Your right the walleyes and others wont do as well with dam removal the lower water temps will even reduce the numbers of squawfish.
Well if the clinton Gore administration is calling for a moritorium on Snake River dam removal then it is time to change focus to the Elwha and start writting calling emailing canidates (including Slade) about the need to remove both dams now.
The Park service owns and now operates the two dams Alldwell, (Lower) and Glines Canyon(Upper) Slade says yes to removal of lower but is foot dragging about upper. All partys to the rehabiltation are negotiating for a plan on stock rebuilding they all want to see both dams come out at the same time . This will minimize the negative impacts of removal by only having to deal with the sediment redistribution one time instead of twice. Makes sense to me if you think so to drop Slade a line it can make a difference in a election year.
Be sure an mention that Native Son called him a Jerk. Bob wont let me call him what I call him around the campfire on this BB. Just kidding