Here are some well thought out comments from a long time Willapa fisher. He did a good job I think.

Honorable WDFW Commission members

In reference to the proposed 2015 interim Willapa Bay policy.

First off, I sit on the Willapa Bay Advisory Committee as a recreational advisor & have since it's inception. I also attended this last Commission meeting. I have heard that now there is a push from some interests in trying to remove the 14% Chinook cap amendment you voted on & approved on Thursday.

I / we, & the public have seen the AHA model & it's bottom line at public meetings. Some however may have not understood the consequences.

I believe that you the Commission, did the right thing in regard to Chinook conservation on the Thursday meeting. Mainly, if there would ever be an ESA listing on the bay, (and there appears to be a distinct possibility), as Commissioner Carpenter pointed out, by trying to do a PATCH that NOAA would not accept, life for everyone who fishes this bay WILL be very different & not in a good way for a long time.

Also, if there was even a Phase in from 20% down to 14% over 4 years, we may not have enough recovery to achieve any conservation goal for a VERY LONG time.

There are some things in HSRG that I disagree with, but overall salmon management in this state needs a guide, and this has to be something other than personal agendas.


Edited by Rivrguy (04/14/15 09:06 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in