Since oil trains are inter-state commerce, the Feds have final jurisdiction. In this case, it's the Federal Dept of Transportation. But they can only enforce the laws passed by Congress. The courts can't get involved unless somebody takes someone to court. And then, the courts can only interpret existing law or regs. They can't make it up.

I live in Vancouver, WA, not far from those tracks shown in the video. I see enormously long oil trains running right thru downtown Vancouver, Camas, and Washougal almost daily. This is a huge issue right now in Vancouver. We might be able to beat back the proposal to build an oil terminal at the Port of Vancouver, but local and State governments are powerless to stop the oil trains from running through their neighborhoods.

But don't worry, oil train accidents won't happen. Never, never. Ever. I know because the folks at Tesoro said so. (What is the sarcasm font on this BB?)