The point is that if we don't aggressively protect our natural resources there will be no reason to save them. We refuse to deal with human population. They gotta eat, they need water.

We have been very happy to see the rest of the world develop, to aspire for more goods that we produced. Then, they started building them cheaper and we loved that because we could spend less money to get the same item.

Look at what has happened to the natural resources (especially anadromous fish) in the Atlantic. And western Pacific. That is what is happening here because we all allow it to.

Ask yourself if you would be willing to live (anywhere) if the requirement that life there was locally (say 100 miles) sustainable. All the products used were produced in that 100 mile circle from water to food to fiber to energy. If the answer is "I don't want to live like that" then somebody else has to destroy their locality to support you.

I don't necessarily want to see this project happen but I do want there to be a better alternative that is possible and viable. Simply saying no is, at least to me, not enough.

Edited by Carcassman (06/12/16 12:09 PM)