Originally Posted By: superfly
"I have not been on here for sometime but you guys really need to stop and think for a minute.......everytime an industry wants to utilize grays harbor for some kind of industry it does not matter what it is everyone jumps on the band wagon to stop it !
None of you look at the big picture, Grays harbor has the highest unemployment in the state ! it has the highest amount of drug and alchol issues and junkies and tweekers ! It has one of the highest crime rates .....is any of this computing with you anti's ????? this area is [Bleeeeep!] doomed because there is no industry, no re-investment, no hope because everyone always says no and wont compromise and or do anything to bring in money, commerce and jobs......in short this place is the detroit of washington state....

so you have said no to everything that has tried to build business here, what are you going to say yes too ?"

Peace Fly

Oil and coal trains do NOTHING positive for either the people or the environment we all count on for tourism which is the real money driver for our county these days, look at what happened to the tourism in the Gulf after the blowout there. I can't believe your point of view considering what would happen to the few remaining fish in our rivers in the event of an oil train derailment. It's not like the tracks run along the main river or anything.
Oh, that's right. Trains don't go off the tracks around here, just other places.
Bob R