I have read that many individuals would like to attend some of the commission meetings but time and other constraints seem to be the issue. Therefore, a suggestion would be to set up satellite meeting places at all the six regional WDFW offices. With technology today, it should be doable with minimal costs. I have driven a minimum of 90 minutes plenty of times to be able to speak for 3 minutes and it would be more than welcomed for convenience sake to drive to a regional office to give testimony or watch in real time if TVW isn’t broadcasting that day. It just seems like this could help others in this state as well since most open public input concerning any subject is usually first on the agenda, like this weekend.

They have already experimented with a meeting place in Eastern WA for convenience. Skype would really be more convenient from our own homes but for now let’s throw around the idea to possibly expand what has already been tried in Eastern WA.

Anybody out there more apt to attend at any of the possible regional outlets?

Thoughts ?
The world will not be destroyed by those that are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.- Albert Einstein

No you can’t have my rights---I’m still using them