Simulcasts to regional offices might get a few more butts in seats, though I think sufficient will to participate is a bigger limitation than sufficient time, if folks want to be honest. I can definitely see where it would benefit folks who like to attend meetings in multiple regions.

The smart phone thing is not new, but in order for something like thst to be used as a tool for in-season management, there would need to be a way for folks without smart phones to report their catch. Of course, if the smart phone option becomes available, there would be an accompanying website, and just about everyone has access to the Internet. The bigger problem would be figuring out how to strongly encourage anglers to use the system on a regular basis, in my opinion. Either way, I think an online reporting system would be a great convenience, and it would probably improve angler participation in catch reporting.

So we have the meetings and the reporting system ready for the new millennium. Now we just need a way to make the fish numbers look like they did in the last millennium, and we'll be set for a world class sport angling experience.