Originally Posted By: Carcassman
An interesting aspect of the discussion on electronic catch data submission is what would appear to be shifting costs from WDFW to the angler. Instead of having staff read and enter the data it is now the responsibilty (and cost) to the end user.

Wonder if that would free up agency funds to provide more research or better management.

That plus my concern of being responsible to input data immediately and accurately:

Honest officer.....

the battery just died (kids were bored and were playing games)

I couldn't get service

I leaned over to unhook a wild fish and it fell out of my pocket (into 300 feet of water)

I was so sea sick I input the wrong species/date/etc.

My new phone is incompatible with WDFW's archaic system

and on and on.....
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)