Originally Posted By: Todd
Originally Posted By: Sky-Guy
So back on topic, what is the GOP gonna do about this conundrum, if anything>?

As I said above...the RNC and/or John Boehner needs to go to everyone still in the race not named Trump, Cruz, or Rubio and tell them to not only get out, but to tell all their supporters to support Rubio, or Cruz as a distant second recommendation.

Otherwise they are stuck with the Donald.

Fish on...


I called Reince and voiced your concerns for the health of the Republican Party and he said to ignore you, because you actually despise the Republic Party and it's values, and even if you did, you don't know up from down.

I thought he was a little harsh.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
Winston Churchill

"So it goes." Kurt Vonnegut jr.