Current WA WAC says that if a person fishes Canadian waters for salmon, they have to physically clear a Canadian port (Bedwell, Sydney, Ucluelet, Victoria,or White Rock) and get your clearance number at the port. That is a WDFW regulation that is being looked at.

For WA fishers who go over for Canadian halibut, they can get the Canadian clearance number by phone and then have to check in by phone with US Customs if they have an I-68.

We are looking at an 8 day season in WA waters for halibut this year. Last year was 11 days. We've seen seen steady decreases in days on the water for our recreational halibut fishery. Personally, I think the recreational halibut quotas need a major overhaul by IPHC, DFO, and PFMC. Most of the catch goes to the commercial fleet. Both countries lose lots of money from short seasons on halibut.

With the Puget Sound tribes not agreeing to a salmon season with WDFW, I'm certain that there will be folks fishing on the Canadian side this summer. It's going to be an interesting year on both sides of the line.