Originally Posted By: Rivrguy
The failure to address or even admit to the simple fact that modern human conduct in just living is incompatible with salmonids is the problem. Period, no debate it is a fact. What is required to protect fish is then reduce harvest, stop further habitat destruction by preserving the best natural watersheds free of our influence, determine those that really pretty much done under and utilize them for hatchery production. Then the final shoe which is intercept fisheries which must be restrained for any hope to get salmon runs stabilized.

Strange as it sounds it will take all those actions to stabilize salmon in WA St. Years ago a friend who worked for the agency had the time to pour through historical data and came to the conclusion that the average Coho run in the Chehalis was about 180k with the upper Chehalis being described as a Coho producing SOB. Habitat has been degraded to be sure but for the coast of WA our problem is not habitat ( it is a huge thing but has stabilized in the last 20 years ) but harvest. In fact PS misery is being driven by harvest depending which fish and stock as to degree.

I agree with almost all of this. I'm not sure it is as complicated as some make it. I find it interesting as someone who does habitat restoration how often we are seen as the enemy by folks who never lift a finger for the good and want to build and live adjacent to critical areas. I understand how they value their rights and land but why are the habitat helpers and protectors the bad guys? Why do Americans always hate on those that are just trying to help? I understand that maybe we think our [Bleeeeep!] don't stink (environmentalists have this problem nearly universally) but we still are trying to do right by the habitat and that isn't a bad thing. Few want to hear the truth. Ive heard biologists called "lesbians" or "Indian lovers" as if that has anything to do with their work. Americans feel things that aren't there and could use a logic course. Brain wires are crossed everywhere hence a guy like Trump being seen as a solution to our problems.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.