Originally Posted By: Hankster

I didn't vote for him, but I still LMAO watching libtard heads explode. It's too bad they can't convert that to energy because it would light up L.A. and NYC for 4 or 8 years.

There are enough libtard tears to irrigate all the sand coming out of their manginas.

Hank, you and the rest of the far right on this site automatically assume that just because people are down on Donald Chump that they are democrats. That's just not the case. There are plenty of Republicans that are starting to realize that they voted for a pompous ass with very thin skin. I will never identify with the democrats but as long as we have idiots like Trump, Paul "the vampire Ryan" and all of the other sell outs in the party I can't get behind them. They are out of control and if not careful will cause more problems than the last 4 presidents combined. Trump says one thing his people say another. Trump says one thing and then HE says another. Trump is an habitual liar. He has spent his whole life making promises he can't keep and never intended to keep. If the press calls him on something, they are called fake news. If someone says something about him he doesn't like he tweets venom back. He should be working on being a president and not a 12 year old girl getting revenge on social media. I know you say you didn't vote for him and I believe you but don't assume that everyone who can't stand the fat fvcker that they are liberal or democrat. The ignorance regarding Trump is scary. There was an article by the AP that said people (including and especially Trump voters) were pissed when they heard that the Affordable Care Act was being ousted. These are the very same people that voted for Trump to get rid of Obama Care. They are so fvcking stupid they did not realize that they are one in the same. That's your basic Trump voter. You know, people like Sol Duc and Rich G. Guys that simply have no clue. His speech last night was just a rehash of the speeches that every single president has come up with for decades. Because he lies when the truth would fit better nothing he said last night can be believed and by the way if you think we are behind the eight ball debt wise as a country just wait. If by some miracle Trump can back up what he said he would do, we will go flat out bankrupt! UNLESS he raises taxes. Ouch!

Edited by gooybob (03/01/17 02:44 PM)