Here's the facts.

Flynn =/= Sessions in this case. Sessions did nothing wrong and he did not commit perjury. He was doing his EXACT job in an official capacity as a US Senator and as the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee. He did it with 25 other US Senators in the same damn room. Franken's question was specifically regarding Trump's campaign, not his day job and thus he answered correctly and honestly. Don't like the answer? Ask better questions.

Regardless, he's recused himself this evening from any further Russian related investigations as the correct, proper and honorable course of action. He cannot investigate himself, which will be confused by the ignorant as "AH HA! Guilty as charged"!

As for the most recent AG's...
Holder ran guns and was the 1st AG to be held in contempt of Congress.
Lynch covertly chatted with a famous husband of another famous suspect that was under an active FBI investigation...and still didn't recuse herself.
Both of those actions are documented criminal felonies of multiple sorts and they didn't even get so much as a slap on the wrist.

Those are the facts. And they've been disgusting for a good long while.
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02