Originally Posted By: stam
Originally Posted By: Hankster

I dont recall any protest marches with bonfires and window smashing by the Republicans. A Tea Party protest or two without vandalism and tear gas, but that's about it.

They were too busy sitting on their lazy asses and whining to actually get up and do something..

You do remember the whining...right?

I honestly don't have a dog in this fight, (though trump is truly despicable) I've found that both sides are here to [Bleeeeep!] me personally, wink I'm too poor to gain from big biz Repug's breaks, and work enough that I wouldn't qualify for the free [Bleeeeep!] that deadbeats democrats get. I just get to pay for it all. Small biz used to be that backbone of 'merca, now it just props up all the lard that has gathered at the top and bottom.

So...I sit back and vent and lob smart ass remarks to you guys that get all wound up about it all.
Just looking back at dark side threads it's pretty easy to see who does the whining, 8 years of obama hate and sniveling and whining leaves the trumps haters plenty of ground to make up. No moral high ground for anybody around here anyway. Deal with it.

Don't worry snowflake, Spring is just around the corner. wink
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.