Of my family's 4 fish, 3 are now toast. All three Skok fish are dead, and the one Nisqually smolt is still alive, but hasn't moved too far.

Bubbles bit it the first day or two as previously reported, not far from the Skok mouth. The other two Skok fish made a lot of progress. The Skok bridge appears to have been a serious barrier to passage for one of them. Fishy McFishface bounced off the bridge twice, and once migrated all the way back to the Skok mouth! The third time got him past the bridge, and out Admiralty, but alas died in the eastern strait, near Smith Island. Fin-E-Us, the third Skok fish blew past the HC bridge on the first try, and made it as far as Port Angeles, where he died of unknown causes. Is there a way to know how?

The only survivor so far is Twitch from the Nisqually, who has only gone 59 miles at this point in the journey. He got past the Narrows bridge, went up Colvos, and is now lounging around the south side of Bainbridge Isl. Doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

Very interesting study, fun, interactive, and hopefully informative. Thanks all for reporting on your little dudes. . .it's been fun for all of us fishbadgers to play along,

"Laugh if you want to, it really is kinda funny, cuz the world is a car and you're the crash test dummy"
All Hail, The Devil Makes Three