Having raised trips I can tell you they are the most under performing fish I ever raised. Crap really. Now on the hormones and the like. I sure hope your a organic vegetarian because if you consume dairy products, feed lot beef, poultry, or farmed produce then you have em. Now if the thought is this stuff is bad convince the feds across the board as picking on one product due to a philosophical view then your argument will be ignored. Which is why much of this goes on. Best thing is to grow your own food and beef ( grass fed at the least ) or by it local from someone that does. Whatever it takes and many folks do but it can be spendy for urban folks and then you always have those who cannot raise their food due to location or lack of knowledge. Simple solutions to a complex problem seldom exist.

Edited by Rivrguy (08/28/17 09:19 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in