Then, there are a few enhancement groups that hold some rainbow in nice disease-free water and feed them up to (if stories are true and what fisherman would lie-Rivrguy) fish capable of stealing rods from the angler not intently watching things.

Well yes the GH does. Jack Marshal raised hybrid trout for market and taught us how to do it. Get a normal lake plant rainbow and rear it for another year. Floating feed controls waste and yes a big pond is very helpful. They will be 4 to 6 lbs by lake season. Yeah that poor kid! Had his rod on a crutch chatting away and zip off went the rod. The other one I recall is a fly rod zipping right down canoe before the guy could react. Guess we should have said more but didn't want to draw attention so they were expecting the normal trout. Raise them one more year they go between 8 to 14 lbs but you loose about 50% to mortality. ( spawning mode thing and males biggest hit ) I chose to hold a couple hundred over do the extra year and around 14 is the largest I recall. In my mind a kid would rather catch one 8 lb fish than those crappy lake plants and they do. You would be amazed how much certain staff fought the concept seemed to think number over size but the problem is that is BS.

Did trips for a bit but damn folks they are slugs! They do not put on weight and size as do the standard rainbow.

Edited by Rivrguy (08/29/17 06:42 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in