After repeated attempts to have our questions answered regarding the letter, Director Unsworth replied.

Here is how he answered:

"You have received a copy of the letter as it was sent to Lorraine Loomis. I received a verbal confirmation of receipt from Ms. Loomis at a recent Pacific Salmon Commission meeting. I do not know if we will receive a written response. We will include public involvement as a discussion topic at North of Falcon planning meetings in December and January.


Look, we have a Director of WDFW who, by all indications, chooses the path of least resistance over doing the right thing. His continued in-action has cost the sport fishing community dearly. In a way, I feel sorry for him. He desperately needs to hang around long enough to get vested for his retirement. After all, it would be difficult to get a job anywhere else with his track record here.

So, I guess we have a few choices. Continue to allow our fisheries to be given away, piece by piece, or draw a line in the sand and say NO MORE. Continue to be pushed aside and disregarded or become a unified force. Allow others to decide what is best for us, or demand a fair seat at the table!

It's pretty evident that the Director has chosen his course of action, to cooperate and wait...for retirement, no matter how much damage is done.

It will be interesting to see what the constitution of the sportsmen is.

The bottom line is this: Why are we having to fight for transparency in the management of the fisheries? How can having everything out in the open, for ALL to see and for ALL to work on solutions be harmful? HOW CAN ONE GROUP DICTATE TO THE OTHER WHO WILL BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND MEETINGS WHEN THEY ARE DIVIDING UP FISH THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BELONG TO EVERYBODY! WHAT ARE THEY SO AFRAID OF US FINDING OUT?
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)