I'm not dismissing what you are doing. It is useful and should continue. I'm saying that talk, alone, isn't going to get us there.

Part of the issue is that the overall problem is bigger than WDFW and our local leg. When WDFW said no deal, the feds simply disregarded the law and let the tribes fish anyway. The feds refused to acknowledge a federal nexus for WDFW's permit despite there being literally dozens of potential options. Hell, BIA authorized the tribes to fish. Exactly where in the law is that allowed? That would have been a good opportunity to litigate and snatch some low hanging fruit. But, we have no organization with the funding or ............ how do I put it ........ "fortitude" to start any of those big fights.

I have little confidence that getting the meetings open will resolve any ultimate issue. While very useful, my guess is that the tribes will refuse to participate, the feds will let them fish anyway, WDFW will flounder about incompetently (take that one to the bank!), and we'll all be outraged. Then what?

I agree those meetings need to be opened. What I'm saying is our collective vision is too limited and short sighted. We need to be prepared to litigate and to PLAN on litigating. Get funding together now. Get an organization on board now. Get a plaintiff lined up now. Make a plan of attack now. Have a strategy how to win the war instead of just a one-off battle.