Originally Posted By: Great Bender
You know, Wolf--there's an old bromide that applies here..."Talk is cheap--but it takes money to buy whiskey..." Way too many talkers on this blog with free advice, but little inclination to pitch in and get involved-- or have the work ethic to realize you get back from an endeavor exactly what you put in it. Sell your boats and move your chair near a window where you can watch the Tribes get their reward for perseverance and the courage of their convictions, while harvesting your rightful share of the resource...Happy Trails!!

What's the difference between talking here versus talking to WDFW? Making some good headway are we?

Money is, in fact, required to buy whiskey. Sportsmen are unwilling to meaningfully fund any large political and legal challenge to the status quo, and it will require both legal and political funding to make change. Talk, in whatever form, is cheap. WDFW is not going to change voluntarily. Everyone is already pissed at them, the leg has already withheld funding and ordered a review of their incompetence, and they know damn well the tribes aren't going to just play nice all of a sudden.

Folks have no problem spending tens of thousands of dollars for boats, gas, gear, lodging, booze, food and all the rest that we spend money on to fish. It's easy to bitch on the interwebz or talk for 3 minutes on a few Saturday mornings at a commission meeting.

Try to raise even $50,000.00 to fund a lawsuit (which is not enough to fight a big fight) and you'll be met with the same thing you're hearing here: crickets. Unlike the commercial sector or even the environmentalists (who have no financial incentive), businesses are not kicking in serious money to lobby and litigate. There's no organized guide association to meaningfully lobby and fund raise. Anglers, except a select few, donate a few hours here or there and may chip in a couple hundred bucks for a membership here or a raffle there. We're making some relatively minor progress (Columbia and Willapa/GH nets come to mind, and those required, wait for it................litigation and political funding) but aren't drastically improving the overall picture.

The sport fishing industry needs to wake up and play the game how it's designed.