Originally Posted By: OceanSun

"Trump for asking the Russians help him win the election" - WTF are you talking about?! And please don't be stupid enough to say when he said he hoped they could find the [already] missing 30,000 emails (which clinton had bit-bleached from her servers and smashed the blackberries they may be on as well). For full context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNa2B5zHfbQ

"Republicans ignore and vote themselves a tax cut for the rich and a tax increase for others" WTF are you talking about?! Who is getting a tax increase?! Try the conservative, pro-trump "news" organization CNN's own tax calculator out with a few scenarios of poor, mid and rich people you know: http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/13/politics/calculate-americans-taxes-senate-reform-bill/index.html

"At least if we had a Clinton in the White House we'd have a balanced budget" - WTF?!! There's not even a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist alive that believes that.

"Keep on watching Faux News" - Try it. They can be biased just like all other "news" organizations who have erased all lines between news and opinion pieces but, based on your comments, you could learn something even from them.

I normally stay out of these conversations as they are unproductive and I really doubt even a reasoned conversation will change anyone's opinion. But, with your dumbfukry and a few glasses of holiday cheer, I couldn't resist.

Merry Christmas

Ocean Sun where have you been? The FBI already has the facts of Russian involvement in the election. Trump's buddies Flynn and Manafort have already been charged. The dossier was initially paid by Republicans. Trump's campaign sought dirt on his oppenent and met with the Russians. All you have to do is connect the dots. Trump keeps on obstructing the investigation and slams FBI employees and CNN in tweets. Republicans are still in denial. Can't believe all those votes for Judge Moore in Alabama.

The GOP raised taxes by increasing the national debt by 1.5 - 2 trillion dollars. Who's going to pay for it and the interest on top of it? Getting rid of a lot of deductions. The CNN tax calculator doesn't take all this into affect. Yeah we will not know until taxes are filied.

Yes it's hard to believe that Bill Clinton had budget surplusses. Maybe you should check the facts. The GOP could have passed a balanced budget but gave the wealthy and corporations a huge tax break at our expense.

Kink of hypocritical that Fox News was called fake news and now Trump calls CNN fake news. Remember that Trump used to be a Democrat and Hilliary used to be a Republican.

Keep up with your douchbaggery hypocritisms!
I'd Rather Be Fishing for Summer Steelhead!