Originally Posted By: muley77
I basically C & P Bay wolf letter to my state reps and this is the reply that I received back from Dist 38 Rep June Robinson:

I asked my legislative assistant to reach out to the Department of Fish and Wildlife and their response is below regarding your concerns.  I have also attached a FAQ sheet  on the Proposed Puget Sound Chinook Harvest Management Plan.
If I can be of any further assistance to you on this issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
June Robinson
Recently the department and their co-managers came to agreement on a ten year Puget Sound Chinook Management Plan. Many angling groups are frustrated that the process was not transparent. I've attached an FAQ on the plan and the process but the quick rundown is that following the near meltdown of Puget Sound salmon fisheries in 2016, our federal agencies began discussing ways to avoid that outcome in the future.  In order to obtain long-term ESA coverage for Puget Sound salmon fisheries, the Dept of Justice ordered WDFW and co-manager tribes, to "meet and confer" under the provisions of the Western District Federal Court’s “Order on Continuing Jurisdiction.” 
In compliance with this order, the department has been meeting in court ordered mediation with their tribal co-managers over the course of the last year. Court rules associated with mediation provide for confidentiality.  As is often true with difficult negotiations, the benefit of confidentiality is that parties are often more likely to speak with greater candor if they can do so confidentially.  Confidentiality also helps manage litigation risk associated with matters that may be subject to future lawsuits.  The State’s Public Records Act recognizes this utility and exempts mediation records from disclosure to further the goal of resolving disputed matters via mediation.

Thank you Muley77 for taking the initiative to reach out to your representative. If I might suggest a follow up to better educate your representative. What they received is the "Spin" to disguise the fact that they intentionally left the sport advisory groups out of the matrix and by-passed the Commission, contrary to the mandates of the Commissions authority as the policy setting branch of WDFW!

I encourage you to make an appointment to speak to your representative. As a constituent, they need to hear from you as a way to keep informed. If you like, I would be happy to go with you if you can let me know in advance. You can reach me at: OpenNOF@Gmail.com
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)