I'm overpowered by the Feds' continued practice of "governing from afar..."

The boiler plate rationale above makes sense until you factor "out" the proactive participation of the WDFW Board Of Commissioners. They have statuary power and responsibility vested in the process.

For X sake, Feds...own up to the responsibility that was created by YOUR Tribal Treaty accords, and the consequential Fed Court rulings that have come down since. Those are YOUR treaties, and they're in need of YOUR thorough oversight, and the obligatory conservational enforcement. How can the principle of the fish belonging to the State(s), and the responsibility of dealing with a sovereign nation on their behalf be yours? In addition, which entity would logically be responsible for measuring up to CA, OR, AK and BC(no brainer) for bringing about a shared, sustained yield resource? This half-assed "half and half" approach simply hasn't work for us...and has no promise it ever will.

Nobody is motivated to make this right EXCEPT those who are excluded due to "confidentiality"... Move on and forward...