After our 26th October meeting and many follow up emails and call, Mr. Ron Warren sent us the following email. The "plenary" meetings he mentions are something that the WDFW proposed to NWIFC as a means to better transparency. Pay attention to "WHO" was allowed to attend those meetings in the past, and "WHAT" they discussed. It doesn't sound to us like it increases transparency in the North of Falcon at all!
WE DID FINALLY GET THE TRIBAL/WDFW MEETING SCHEDULE! THAT IS POSTED BELOW. Just in case you happen to be in the area and want to drop in! whistle

Here is a copy of Ron Warren's email.

Dear Washington Citizen Sportsmen - Twin Harbor Fish and Wildlife Advocacy:

Thank you for your recent email dated January 14, 2018 that followed up on your previous December email inquiring about plenary sessions within the North of Falcon process. As you know, the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission’s (NWIFC) Chair, Lorraine Loomis, stated in her recent letter (dated December 21, 2017) that the NWIFC’s member tribes cannot agree to WDFW’s request to open the government-to-government negotiations during NOF to public participation, observation, and/or recording. However Chair Loomis indicated the tribes would be amendable to reinstating plenary sessions during the 2018 North of Falcon process, as were held approximately 10 years ago. The details of such proposed plenary sessions have not been planned yet, and will need to be developed in coordination with Ms. Loomis and the tribes. WDFW leadership will keep in mind the suggestions in your letter and will keep you and the public apprised of any developments. In the past, such plenary sessions were basically an evening round table discussion -- after a day of meeting with the public at Lynnwood Embassy Suites (i.e., NOF #2 meeting in early April) -- in which both non-tribal and tribal representatives took turns sharing their perspectives on cultural values regarding salmon resources, conservation concerns, and fishery management priorities. Non-tribal representatives in those past sessions included agency advisors and industry leads from both the commercial and recreational fishery sectors.

I can assure you that WDFW takes seriously the input from our stakeholders and the public on the transparency issue and is not avoiding or delaying efforts to find solutions. WDFW works hard to maintain openness and transparency with stakeholders, advisors, and the general fishing public throughout the NOF process, giving the public numerous opportunities to attend meetings and provide needed input to Department staff in developing and refining fishing proposals. The current meeting structure during the NOF process reflects the State-Tribal co-managers’ desire to encourage public participation and maximize time with our own constituencies to discuss the annual biological constraints and corresponding management options for salmon fisheries. During 2018, as in previous years, the NOF process will consist of a series of public meetings involving federal, state, tribal and industry representatives and other concerned citizens. The table included with this letter presents the preliminary schedule of 2018 NOF meetings, with locations and meeting times noted. Be sure to check the WDFW web site for updates at the following link:
WDFW North of Falcon Web Page .

Once again, thank you for your letter and valuable input. We look forward to continued conversations on the topic of transparency. Looking forward, WDFW will continue to pursue meaningful dialogue with our stakeholders and the tribes to identify a format for plenary sessions that will be workable for the different parties in attendance. We will keep you apprised on this topic and any progress made with the tribes moving forward.

2018 TRIBAL/WDFW NOF Meeting Dates and Times: *

Co-manager Technical Modeling Meeting (PUBLIC PROHIBITED)
Location - NWIFC

Co-manager Policy meeting (Public Prohibited)
Location - Muckleshoot Casino

NOF #1 - State – Tribes (PUBLIC PROHIBITED)
Location - Lacey Community Center

NOF #1 - State – Tribes (NWIFC – as needed) (PUBLIC PROHIBITED)

NOF #2 - State – Tribes (PUBLIC PROHIBITED)
Lynnwood Embassy Suites

NOF #2 - State – Tribes (PUBLIC PROHIBITED)
Lynnwood Embassy Suites

* These still have not been published on the WDFW NOF web site as of the writing of this post. Although, WDFW said they would be.

Edited by Bay wolf (01/28/18 10:27 AM)
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)