I may be off base on this one but Skookum asked me earlier today about experience in political activism. Well I don't have any but driving home I got to thinking about the political process. It occurs to me that we may be going about this all wrong. If I understand the petition currently being circulated correctly, we are signing up to tell WDFG that we want a statewide C & R of native fish. Unless I'm wrong, they can look at ourlist of 150,000+ signatures and say, f*** you. So what other avenue can we use? Since Tim Eyman can get the proper number of signatures on an initiative to limit mass transportation or lower car tabs, why couldn't we get enough to put c & r of natives before the voters. Seems that taking this to the public might be the best answer. We could make C & R of natives the LAW and outside the "management" of the WDFG. I know we have tried this route before with BAN but that was a horse of a diff. color. This would potentially get the sportsmen, the environmentalists and buisness behind it. Heck, if those more informed than I think this worthy, I'm willing to donate my time helping pull it together and stumping for signatures. Besides, I suddenly have a lot of free time this spring.


[This message has been edited by Sinktip (edited 11-17-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Sinktip (edited 11-17-2000).]