WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Before you guys go crazy over this "All Wild Fish Release"...How about those nets waiting to scoop up your precious, just released unharmed, Steelhead? Until last year I have released 95% of my catch, 40-50 steelhead a winter. Last February, I released two in the 13 pound range in the same drift. I walked a quarter mile upstream to find 2 nets across the river. Needless to say I was not happy. Called WF&G..."Nothing we can really do about it."

I understand what you are all trying to do. Problem is we are putting the cart before the horse. Until the nets are gone we are fighting a loosing battle. The more fish that come back the more they will take. Simple as that. You want to start a petition? Try focusing on commercial harvest and more importantly Indians netting the rivers. What the sport fishermen don't need is another restriction forced upon them! WF&G can't enforce the laws they have not to mention managing any species of game in the entire state!