One thing happening up in AK, so it may be more coastwide but un-looked for, is some real food issues in the ocean.

Pinks seem to outcompeting everything else up there. Since ours are down it may no be such an issue here. The biggie is a decline in size at age. In the past, the fish got smaller due to harvest (hook and line) of young fish. They got younger due to the same thing for Chinook.

Now, though, there isn't the food to let them grow to normal size at age. Further, the larger fish die on the return home because in the warmer water they can't eat enough to meet metabolic needs. It is not that they aren't eating, it is that they fill up on metaphoric celery instead of a loaded pizza (an example most here will get). They vanish.

So, if this is true, then AK/BC could have a pretty good fishery on the immatures (abundance-based) and then the adults just drop away. What is left is smaller but in what looks to be good shape because they got enough food to fill their stomachs.