Been saying this all along 1 group wants to go selective only, while another group wants the hatchery's gone. Obviously the 2 plans won't work well together, and it's pretty obvious why the tribe's haven't jumped head first into selective fishing when the pool is about ready to be drained.
There is more that one group that want to go selective only and subsequently want hatcheries to supply those fish.
The Colvilles are building a $41 million hatchery and plan on utilizing the most out of returning fish. Their quote:
"Additionally, and importantly, the Colville
Tribes have embarked on a well-funded program to
develop, test and deploy live-capture, fishing gears so
that we can harvest the substantial majority of our
ceremonial and subsistence fish (including spring
Chinook, sockeye, steelhead, and summer Chinook)
selectively by harvesting the marked hatchery-origin
fish while releasing wild fish unharmed to propagate
future generations.
The Colville Tribes will harvest selectively because we
believe the best available scientific information clearly
indicates that sufficient escapement of wild fish is
required to restore and promote the health of
anadromous salmonid populations and provide the
broodstock for our hatchery programs".