Writing this post to see if any of you salty dogs have had a similar experience in Puget sound.

Several board members here have explained that they have been out halibut fishing and hooked into a beast of a fish. This fish can swim at speeds of up to 15mph for a very very long time. This tells us who have spoken about it that it is not of the shark variety as they typically tire soon into a fight with properly matched gear.

I know Fishnut has seen this fish on his depthsounder while Spud was chasing it once when he hooked it. Ron said the marks on his finder looked as if this mystery beast is nearly 30 feet long. Ron if you still have that photo post it up.

Some other descriptive factors are:
-No one can catch up to this fish, as it swims very fast to the point where folks fighting it are on-step chasing it down.
-It cannot be retrieved close enough to the surface to see what it is.
-It can fight an angler at top swimming speeds for up to an hour and a half.
-It only seems to be hooked when halibut fishing at depths of over 100 FOW.
-the three or four people we know who have hooked it have all been broken off while the fish was swimming away from them at high speed.

I'm not pulling your leg here...there is something really big and fast out there. it has been hooked by several credible experienced anglers.
Has anyone ever had, or heard of a similar experience?
What could it be?

You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"