I was just payed a visit from CPS (child protective services)
Turns out that I was turned in by my my kids ADD counsler.
My EXwife talked to him about our sons emotional behavior after I had concerns that it may be from the meds this guy had proscibed.
He said he didn't think it was to much to worry about. Then asked if he had access to guns. This is when exwifiepoo take a little liberty with the facts I am afraid.
Counsler asked if I had loaded guns in the house. EX says she didn't know but i had in the past. (about 14 years ago I had 2 rounds in the breach of a 12ga for about 3 minutes after hearing a disturbing noise in my front yard a couple of weeks after my truck had been cleaned out. The one and only time EVER)
The CPS guy was actualy real cool about the hole thing. I explained that I was raised with guns around my whole life and am an avid hunter and fisherman. He had talked to both of my kids at school and found them well informed about gun safety and didn't feel there was much of a problem. He told me that sense my son was the owner of three of the guns and was very much looking forward to his first hunting season this fall there was nothing wrong with him having them on display in his room as long as they were not loaded and ammo was secure from them.
So now I am feeling OK about the hole thing and telling myself that in this day and age having guns unlocked and in your kids room wasn't the best idea not so much for my kids sake but for the sake of other kids that may go into his room.
I know it may sound crazy to some of you that my kid had guns in his room and for the sake of an arguement I'll admit that even that it is perfectly leagal it may not be a good idea.
Now for the part where I get real pissed.
The cps guy gives me a copy of the complaint from the counsler:
The referent reports that they were informed that the father has "18 loaded guns in his house" The referent states that the father reportedly has loaded guns hidden at various points in the home-including SON'S BEDROOM. The referant states that the guns do not have gun locks according to the first-hand source (ie slutty fat ugly whore exwife)

Wife says she did tell counsler that I had a loaded gun in the house in the past and that there was guns all over the house in the past. (guns were in my room, my hunting and fishing room and my son's guns were in his room)

Am I over reacting or have I just been screwed. If the ex wants to make my wife a living hell in the future can this total BS be used against me????

Is there anyway of finding out what the counsler was told or what he made up in his own head.

Is this fare, should I just let it go, should I talk to a lawyer????

wtf do you think
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it