I hereby promise to attend a protest at the Pike Place Market, on or very soon after the wild steelhead retention goes into place. If we can get 50 people with signs to protest, with signs, in front of a vendor selling Indian caught steelhead we can very likely get a TV crew or to cover it. Our protest can be simple. Don't buy wild steelhead. If they are so scarce that sportsman can't keep any they are too scarce to net.

I know it will get some ink in Salmon Trout Steelheader and we can call F&H news and every other media source we can think of.

What do you think? If we get a good response to this we can start a sign-up sheet. I think we need at least 50 people committed to make it work.

I bet Aunty M can come up with some catchy slogans.
No huevos no pollo.