Originally Posted By: Carcassman
At dawn of the last day, a turkey started gobbling out front. Dave went out, in his red jammies, and popped the bird. You obviously don't always need that camo stuff.


While it's fun to buy and wear cammo, you don't need to be all Mall Ninja Rambo Evo to shoot a big old Tom.

Even the "smart" Tom's become really stupid when they are in the mood. As long as you are frozen and don't move, you'll be fine. Tom's don't care how you are dressed. smile

OTOH, when they are not in the mood, they are a PITA to hunt.

I love calling in Tom's. Fun stuff.

Is there more than on Mod 12 in that set of photos, or is that the same gun? Not one you see much of in the field these days. Pretty cool.

Solid work, gentlemen!

Unfortunately, a brine soak and a smoker doesn't help a wild turkey much as table fare, IMO. Fun to shoot. Not so much to eat.

Tule King Paker