Originally Posted By: Salmo g.

Jeez Paker, did I pee in your Cheerios or something?

Nope. I don't eat Cheerios or something.

Once again I'm just pointing out that we (as a recreational angling group) are just allowing the state to cut our throats as we all sit back and bask in our slow and eventual deaths. Matter of fact we seem to enjoy it, as we've done this over and over again.

We allow restriction and restriction after restriction on our rivers. Some even pat themselves on their back, on a "job well done.", but yet the end result hasn't changed.

The wild steelhead resource continues to dwindle away to extinction.

Fishermen are truly selfish people that absolutely do not care about the fish they are supposedly attempting to "save" because if they did care, they'd just stop fishing for wild steelhead.

As I've said before, will someone please turn off the river lights when the last wild steelhead has been caught and killed?

If steelhead fishing is that messed up, or the powers that be are so damn worried about fishing pressure, it's time to close it ALL down. Tribes included.

The runs are *not* healthy. They are *not* recovering and showing no signs of real recovery.

But yet, we are happy to bend over and take another regulation restriction in our efforts to destroy the resource.

Shut it all down. Open it back up only *after* true recovery has happened. If that takes 500 years, so be it.

(Grumble. Grumble. Piss. Moan. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)
Tule King Paker