That Fateful day on the Sauk :p

I didnt do much winter steelheading this past year as we all know what happened to our beloved C&R seasons. But trips made over to the OP were filled with lots of chromers while doing lots of exploring. I floated pretty much the whole Hoh from the Park down to the Oxbow. What an amazing river with an over abundance of fishy water.

The coho fishing was phenomenal. Normally I could care less about salmon but being able to chase after the silvers with the bugrod out in the open water was truly amazing. What a site it was to see coho after coho chasing after our flies out in the middle of the Straights. And what a sight it was to see nearly 15# flyrod caught coho screaming across the surface and coming clear out of the water at the side of the rental boat.

Plus I'll never forget the look on the face of that poor diving bird that beat the coho to a buddy's popper. What a sight!!

And I'll never forget experiencing the greatest salmon fishing in the World in Sitka, Alaska. 10-15 kings a day plus another 30-40 coho in 70 degree weather on the glass calm Pacific Ocean.

I didnt do as much fishing as I have in years past- the C&R closures sure curtailed my fishing time as did the amazing salmon runs this summer which led to 6 day workweeks. But I will say the fishing I did do was awesome as I explored lots of new waters, new techniques and met some freinds for life. THANKS!!!

What will 2002 bring?? Hopefully more of the same!

...many wishes to your families this Holiday Season and lots of fishies as well!...just as long as the wild ones are released. wink

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: RPetzold ]
Ryan S. Petzold
'Sparkey' and/or 'Special'