
I think that you are forgetting that you and Zach had to hold me back from running down to that stream and grabbing a hen or two for eggs. wink

We actually found a tributary of the Chehalis that was maybe three feet across and was full of wild silvers. We were about 7 miles from the main stem of the river. There was a part of the stream that had actually run over the roadway because of the excess rainfall and the silvers were zipping up the road. I don't ever remember see that many fish that far up before. We were about a mile or so from the headwaters of that particular stream.


The anchovie and herring stocks are actually improving, but you are right in pointing out that they were very low. The anchovies are seeing the best improvement of the two. The ocean conditions over that past few years have been a boon to all of the oceanic species in our area.

Having Westport as part of my market area gives me a unique insight on the future fishing prospects as I get to talk with people actually involved in all aspects of the fishing industry, not just the armchair biologists. I think that I had posted in June of this year that one of my clients told me that 2001 was the best Troll King season opener in 20 years, and just what type of season did everyone have? I will continue to share my info with you folks as I find out about it. Good info, regardless of where it comes from is still good info.


I appreciate your enthusiasm and your focus on the issues as you see them. Keep on fighting the good fight, but be careful of the stance you take because you may turn some folks away from your cause. People can get turned off very quickly by overly emotional protests. Moderation may actually gain you more supporters.


[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Dogfish ]
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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