There are far worse things in this life that somebody could be doing then buying eggs from an already dead fish. Do I agree with the nets in the water? Nope I don't, but this is America, and in America we have the wonderful, incredible freedom to do what we want when we want to do it. As a Doctor there are many things I see almost everyday that I disagree with but still must take care of. Does that water me down, yes I imagine it does. I don't know anyone on this board but Ryan I can only picture you as an overzealous, arrogant, ignorant college kid. If you are something else then I am sorry, but I was one once also. That said I must say that in theory I agree with you, but then again I have never had the need to buy any eggs. I see many people buying eggs at the Sporting Goods stores. I can only imagine that these eggs were harvested from commercially caught fish, some if not all. Anyway to answer the question of ethics, in this case I don't believe it is ethics it is opinion and there is a big difference between the two.
