I thought there would be a bunch of golfers among members here. It wouldn't be hard to get several foursomes to do an informal fishing BB 18 hole tourney; when better weather is more likely. As good as it sounds to combine fishing and golf the same day (as Jeff, Os, and I did) I figure it would likely be best to have just a golf day. There's travel time, warmup on the driving range/putting green, 18 holes of golf for an untold number of foursomes, and a bit of clubhouse eats/drinks/smack talkin to do afterward smile .

While the Lewis R. course would be good, more of you guys live closer to Puget Sound, so the Ft. Lewis Golf Course and the Gold Mt. Olympic (where's that?) courses sound like good prospects to have an event. I know Jeff would like the Ft. Lewis course; working right nearby. He's said it's a very good course; we're planning to golf that together sometime. If Haverod' can get a group discount on that one, we can name an event and call it a website fishing/golf club organized tourney to qualify for the better rates. Other courses offer that for company tourneys and such. You guys up north there can organize this thing as the dryer weather approaches; using the BBs. I know myself and some Oreos will drive up to the Olympia area. And the Lewis R. course near Woodland is a relatively short distance for most people if lots of Oreos also respond ahead of time. Keep in mind when talking to any courses that a number of guys with bum knees or feet or whatever would need power carts available. It would be a heck of a lot of fun. It's impossible to go scoreless in a golf event. laugh (shut up Dan wink )

Some event name candidates:

- Golftilla
- Golfcartilla
- Golfthrilla laugh (could be)
- Fishweb Hack's Championship
- Team Piscatorial vs Team Ifish Golf Challenge?
- Others?