These 3 have stuck with me even though they happened long ago:

While fishing chums at Potlatch because all of the rivers were blown, this guy next to me is keeping only the skankiest bucks. So I ask him why and he proceeds to sniff one up and down and says "I can tell by the smell which ones will be best in the smoker." Needless to say I just about fell down laughing, and the guy gave me a dirty look and walked off.

Another time while fishing Blue Creek (Remember this was LONG ago) A guy next to me thinks he has a take and sets the hook. He comes up empty-handed and turns to me and says "That was a 3-salt hen. I could tell by the way it bit."

I once fished the Carbon river during salmon season. (Snagging season is more like it rolleyes ) Anyway, one guy was more successful at foul-hooking than the other guys. So they ask him "What color corkie are you using?"
Like one color sticks in the fish's a$$ better than another. eek eek
A day late and a dollar short...