Sparky, I realize that your intention for this thread was for all Puget Sound rivers however your example was targeted at the Skykomish. A lot of people have been working hard to get an opportunity to target the hatchery summer chinook that are returning during the time your concerned about. The chinook fishery opens in the begining of June and rumor has it that WDFW plans to expan the area where these fish (marked ones of course) can be harvested this coming year. Two years ago WDFW didn't open this chinook fishery until mid-July and we missed most of that run. Would you have the Sky closed for hatchery chinook to save any possible hooking mortality on wild steelhead? Any wild adult steelhead still in the system would still be protected by rule and would have to be released. I say open the Skykomish on time and let's continue to educate anglers on effective techniques of C&R.

Hatchery reform is undoubtly going to include limiting the straying of hatchery fish which means more hatchery fish coming back to smaller, more resticted areas, aka bubble selective fisheries.